2022 Summer Capoeira Festival
Workshops, Batizado and Troca De Cordão
The Michigan Center for Capoeira invites you to join us for our 2022 Summer Capoeira Festival, 13th Annual Batizado and Troca de Cordão, and our 15 years in Michigan celebration. An exciting weekend full of Capoeira, music, and dance. Batizado, troca de cordão ceremony and a great party.
Please make sure to bring Capoeira shoes with you.
Confirmed Guests:
Mestre Edan
Mestre Cueca
* Mestra Marisa
Mestre Lobinho
Mestre Pirata
Contra-Mestre Carcara
Contra Mestre Camarão
Contra-Mestre Kmelo
Contra-Mestre Bambu
Prof. Tubarão
Prof. Fogo
Inst. Amigo
Inst. Tira Prosa
Inst. Caxixi
Inst. Santo
Inst. Diabinho
Inst. Reba
Inst. Talento
Inst. Buda
Inst. Tempero
More guests will be confirmed soon!
------ * Waiting for confirmation.
Event Details:
• Date: August 11th-14th, 2022
Location: The Michigan Center for Capoeira
27881 Orchard Lake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48334
10% OFF Early Bird Registration - June 1st - July 1st.
Promo Code: EarlyBird22 (enter the code to apply before selecting "check out")
$135 for Full Event Weekend (Includes all workshops + event t-shirt)
After July 1st. 2022:
$150 - Full Event Weekend (Includes all workshops + event t-shirt)
Thursday only - $50
Friday only - $50
Saturday only - 85
Sunday only - $50
Event Shirt $35
Ceremony + Shirt (Students Getting Belt Only) - $65
Dress Code:
Workshops - Any Capoeira/workout clothes you desire.
Friday Batizado Ceremony - White pants + Event Shirt.
** Bring Outdoor Capoeira Shoes.
Capoeira Teacher Pricing:
FREE for Instructors that bring up to 2 students that register for the full event.
Instructors that bring 3+ students that are participating in the full event, please contact Baz for more details.
Tentative Schedule:
*Subject to change*
Thursday, August 11th
6:00pm-6:30pm - Registration
6:30pm - 9:30pm - Opening workshops and Roda
Friday,August 12th
5:00pm-5:30pm - Registration and Shirt Pickup
5:30pm-7:00pm - Workshop, Pre-Batizado Roda Outside (weather permitting. Bring Shoes)
7:00pm-8:30pm - Batizado e Troca de Cordão Ceremony + Roda
Saturday, August 13th
10:00am-10:30am - Registration check in.
10:30am - 2:00pm - Workshops and Rodas.
2:00pm - 4:00pm - Food Break.
4:00pm - 7:00pm/7:30pm - Workshops and Rodas.
7:00pm - 9:00pm - Break
9:00pm - 2:00am - Party (Open to family and friends.)
Party Location: Crispelli's Bakery & Pizzeria
6690 Orchard Lake Rd, West Bloomfield Township, MI 48322
---- Free entrance. Food and Drinks available for purchase(Kitchen open from 9:00pm - 11:00pm)
Sunday, August 14th
12:00pm - 3:00pm - Workshop, Closing Roda
Please don't make a tight schedule before and after the event - Flights, important meetings etc. Event may continue beyond scheduled time.
We are happy and honored to have you all join us for our celebration this year. As part of the Capoeira community tradition, we do our best to accommodate you with the best hospitality we can. Please fill-up the form below for housing and we will be in touch soon.
How to register online:
Scroll down and sign in through our MindBody Online account or select the app logo and sign up using the MondBody App.
If you are joining us from out of town and need housing and/or transportation, fill out the form below.
For best results and ease, please make sure to use a computer to see the registration page below.
There are some hotels very near our studio that we are working with to set a deal for our guests. We will list them below.
42700 W 11 Mile Road Novi, MI 4837
15 min drive from The Michigan Center for Capoeira.
Special rate for a room with 2 queen beds (4 people) for $85/night before taxes and fees with promotion code "2208BATIZA"
Updated: Aug. 2nd 2022
Unfortunately, all of our housing availabilities are full as of today, Tuesday, Aug. 2nd 2022.
We were able to arrange a few hotel rooms at a discounted price, located about 12-15 min drive from our studio, where the event will take place. Please see the information above.
There are several hotels and AirBNB near our studio, the address is 27881 Orchard Lake rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48334
If you are stuck and need some assistance, please reach out to Baz at 248-225-7349.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the event!