Check out our videos below, organized by playlist and event.
Make sure to visit our YouTube channel as well!
The Michigan Center for Capoeira
on Live in the D - Channel 4
The Michigan Center for Capoeira
9th Annual Show De Capoeira
The Michigan Center for Capoeira
8th Annual Batizado and 15yr. Celebration
Mestre Edan Harrari - Head of The Israeli Center for Capoeira.
Visiting The Michigan Center for Capoeir for the first time
The Michigan Center for Capoeira
Winter Event - Vai Pegar Fogo 2015
The Michigan Center for Capoeira
7th Annual Batizado and Troca De Cordão
Kids Capoeira Festival 2014
Highlights playlist of The Michigan Center for Capoeira Monthly Open Roda’s 2013
Highlights playlist of The Michigan Center for Capoeira
5yr. Anniversary, Batizado and Troca de Cordão ceremony and event, August 2012
Highlights playlist of The Michigan Center for Capoeira
4th Annual Batizado and Troca de Cordao ceremony and event. August 2011
The Michigan Center for Capoeira's
performance at the Brazilian Night Fundraiser For Daniel Schneider